RRod Open Thread
A lot of things seem to be up in the air regarding whether Rich Rodriguez is staying or not. Sadly, I've wasted most of my day watching for something concrete, but it hasn't happened to this point. The latest news I've seen comes from Mitch Vingle that we should know something very soon.
For the Michigan side of things.
I've got to step away for a bit, but leave your comments as you see fit. I'll update as I see fit.
12/16 Update: Apparently very soon is a term that is being used very loosely. I can't confirm it, but supposedly Rodriguez was given 48 hours to make a decision by UM. If that's the case, we should hear something by this afternoon. But as tight lipped as everyone on the inside seems to be we might not know anything today. Now get back to watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
2pm: Two sources inside West Virginia are reporting that Rodriguez has made a decision to take the Michigan job. Here and here.
While it's peanut butter and jelly time in Michigan, it's probably time to cue the crying children here in WV.
For the Michigan side of things.
I've got to step away for a bit, but leave your comments as you see fit. I'll update as I see fit.
12/16 Update: Apparently very soon is a term that is being used very loosely. I can't confirm it, but supposedly Rodriguez was given 48 hours to make a decision by UM. If that's the case, we should hear something by this afternoon. But as tight lipped as everyone on the inside seems to be we might not know anything today. Now get back to watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
2pm: Two sources inside West Virginia are reporting that Rodriguez has made a decision to take the Michigan job. Here and here.
While it's peanut butter and jelly time in Michigan, it's probably time to cue the crying children here in WV.
What's truly funny is that the joke's on you, Michigan fan. Check out RR's success record before Patrick White took over, and before Miami, VT, and BC left. Thanks for taking him off our hands. Worst. Gameday. Coach. Ever.
Prepare for these things:
1. Poor focus and preparation
2. Awful play calling
3. Zero in game adjustment
4. Losing every important game
5. Blaming said losses on players
6. Unable to take criticism
Any arguments here? Johnny, you sound so sad on EDSBSLive. Relax my man, it's all good.
J, that's me all the time when I drink wine and smoke....uh, never mind. Hehehehe. Not sad, just comfortably numb.
Comfortably numb isn't a bad sensation at all. I wish I was in that state right now.
My girlfriend called me and said you were on there and sounded sad so I tuned in. I don't know what struck me more. You sounding sad or my girlfriend tuning into EDSBSLive without me anywhere in the area.
Either way, I think we're going to be just fine. How about you?
I've been scolded for this sentiment on other blogs, but what the hell? NO TERRY BOWDEN!!
Yeah, I have a post up at the FanHouse about this.
I think we'll be fine, but the prospects are not great. I would really like it if Magee would stay. What about the d-coordinator from Ga. Tech? That would be sweet!
But no to Terry Bowden. I guess you didn't hear me say that I threw up in my mouth a little when it was first mentioned today. He's not for us! And so many people want him because of his name. He got worse and worse every year at Auburn, and we want someone that is going to make us better.
That Brian Kelly would be a nice snag as well. He's really done a great job at Cincy. But would probably go to a Big Ten school if given the chance. I don't know what went wrong with him and Michigan.
I would love to get Locksley from Illinois. Their spread is a good one, and he's a hell of a recruiter. Tenuta would be cool, or Peterson from Boise. I think we have more options than are obvious, but like you, I don't think Jimbo Fisher is one of them.
I would love Magee, but he's going to M, that's pretty much confirmed unfortunately.
If we could get a guy like Locksley to come in and save some recruits, I think that RR's socalled "next level" could be reached. We were only a massive choke away for this season...ugh.
Regardless, the masses have lost their minds and want either Bowden or suicide tonight. There are few rational folk around to discuss it.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Brian Kelly. I don't think he'd stick around long either, but man, we would kick some ass while we had him. I LOVE how he coaches.
Picture is in poor taste.
take the picture down you piece of garbage, no wonder a WVU alum left town if people like you are there
Is that better Jason? I think you're right, Rod totally left because of me! I'm such a bad, evil, piece of garbage. Right? I mean you know me. Right?
LOL, oversensitivity and moral outrage. I live for this.
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