Friday, September 28, 2007

Lou Holths Pep Speech to South Florida

We can only hope that this will be played to the Bulls right before kickoff tonight. As they are sure to be confused beyond belief and covered in spit. Transcript below.

Men, thith ith hoth fothballth.......Ruleths of lifth saysure growing or dying.....Bumble Bees! Aeronautical princsipalths say Bumble Bees can'th flyth! (wipes mouth) Bumble Bees can'th readth stho they don't listhen. Leth Go!

Update: video fixed. Damn WWL.


Anonymous said...

That is lame...the video is not viewable.

John Radcliff said...

Blame the WWL. Email the omnibudsman right now! Go! Go! Get him Jim!

letsplaytummysticks said...

There is an unreasonable amount of sex and violence on my VCR and all those new 8-tracks promote drugs and I hate people with their fancy push button phones and the other day I saw I guy with a phone without a cord. Men a phone without a cord. That is crazy. Like having sex with a bumblebee.